Thursday, December 28, 2006

Tag I'm It?


Miss Mary's Cross Style

Hey MM:

You had to tag me... augh...

My guess is that you need five (5) pieces of information about myself that no one really knows or cares about?

I needed help from my brothers and friends for this one.

1. I was Cinco de Mayo Queen at Oak Grove High School. That's not me in the picture but it looked something like that.

2. I used to play the viola. Yes, I said the nerdy viola, not violin.

3. I LOVE Edward Norton! Yeah Baby, who's your Mama!

4. I'm a scrapbooker and love painting my dogs paws.

5. And last but not least: I tried to get on the Dr. Phil show and they actually called me back! Unfortunately, the chance passed. My girls just weren't having it. bummer... my chance to meet Dr. Phil and I get scolded by my own children.

I'm going to give you a finale and tell you that since my crash at SeaOtter, breaking my tailbone, my friends haven't stopped with the two cracks on my butt jokes.

Now, back to work.

Almost forgot "Jenna" , Brent and Cat Lover sorry but Tag Your It!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Oh Lordy

This is the picture that all the Velo Bellas are sending around to each other.
Important information of course.