Tuesday, April 25, 2006

24 HOA Status

So, it looks like it's going to be a few more weeks before I can ride or so my doctors say. We'll Rosalind found a co-worker, George to replace me so were covered. Thanks George.

The End~


I havent been able to get a hold of my sister-in-law, Linda to find out what the status is on her breast cancer. Last I heard she sent me this email: "Yes, I am scared. I am not so much scared about the mastectomy anymore, but the chemo concerns me. I just feel like that is so destructive to one's body. I need to ask more questions about survival rate with chemo. Plus, I have to work through this, so I don't want to loose my hair and my boobs! Man! That's a lot to loose in a short amount of time. I am just feeling a little like a victim at the moment."

Scared? Yeah, thats to be expected. I'm sure theres a lot more going on than just being scared. I think about her everyday and just pray that she comes out of this okay.


Friday, April 21, 2006

Still deciding...

So, were still deciding on what to do for the 24 hours of adrenaline. "George" hasnt made a firm decision to replace me. I'm not quite sure what the problem is. Is "G" scared to do a race that's so long? Hmmm.... not sure yet but we were hoping for a decsion from him today, which we so far havent gotten. We did find out that they (24HOA) wont be refunding our money back so we need to decide something. Other than replacing me with another rider our other options would be to race the 8 hours instead or just do our best at the 24 hours.

Which ever we decide to do, I'm up for it and will do my best to not disapoint Rosalind. I think I should be able to do at least a couple of laps so I suggested the 8 hour race. I'm not sure Rosalinds satisfied with that so I'll have to wait to hear back from her.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

24 Hour Status

Still in some pain in the evenings and sometimes at night but for the most part I'm doing well. Most of the scabs are gone and with the exception of the bruising on my butt most of the brusing is gone too.
Rosalind and I have talked about the 24 hours of adrenaline and have decide to try and get our money refunded. Rosalind has left several message and emails but as of yet no one has returned any of them. I'm guessing that's a sign that were not getting our money back. She's trying to convince a guy at her work, George to take my place but no firm decision yet. Hey, if we can't find another rider, i'll just ride. Even if I only do one lap, the http://Psychosquirrelsoncrack.com will still exist! Oh, and we'll have more time to party that weekend too!
Couldnt get Nikki to post a blog for me this time but I'll keep trying.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Sea Otter Pics

I promised you some pictures of the Sea Otter Classic at Laguna Seca and here you go:

This first picture is of me and some other teammates warming up before we head our for the cross country race. That's Rosalind, my 24 hour partner to the right of me.

Above us is the canopy for our Sponor,Kona.

I love this next picture of our dog, Casey. She looks like a true Bella. I can't tell you how many people took her picture. She's a true model, at least that's what I think.

This next picture is of my friends Matthias (Rosalinds husband) and Ali who apparently did well on their road race. Matthias wasnt so lucky, he got a flat and fell back. Apparently even though he finished the race they didnt even have his name on the results.

I'm hearing through several email groups that who ever did the results for the SEa Otter Classic really screwed things up. Some racers arent even in the results or in the wrong catagory ie. raced cross country but showing up on the road race results. Even though I didnt finish the race, I did start and my name didnt appear as DNF (Did Not Finish) either. Yeah, sounds like a mess.

Here's my friend Jason, not exactly sure how he did but he races cross country/sport. His wife Deanna was great support for us. I think she'd make a perfect Velo Bella.

This last one is a picture of my friend Jen who looks very concerned about me, while they take me away.

We'll that's about all the decent picture I have for now. Until next time,


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My Broken Ass

My doctor called me yesterday and it looks like I have a broken tailbone. He says its going to take 2 months to heal.

Only thing on my mind is getting better before the 24 hours of adrenaline next month.

Julie on the other hand says her face is swollen today, I'm not suprised. I wonder if the crash gave her black eyes. I know she's in a lot of pain. I really hope for a quick recovery for her.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My @ss hurts...

I havent heard back from my doctor yet so I'm going to assume I only have ONE @ss crack.

I'm at work today and have been taking "Diclofenac" (whatever that is). My doctor wanted to perscribe me Vicodin but I told him no so he gave me this other one. I feel pretty good today. I can walk and for the most party only the road rash and bruises on my @ss have been bothering me. I'm sitting on one of those pillow things for now. I'm pretty sure my tail bone is just bruised and hopefully I'll be back on my bike soon

Monday, April 10, 2006

Sea Otter Crasher...

Sea Otter was this weekend and Saturday, even thgough I had to leave early was a blast. Me, Rosalind, Matthias, Jason and Deanna hung out together. We stopped by the Velobella booth and the girls purchased the 2006 VB jerseys. Sweet!!! Matthias and Ali did the road race and unfortunately Matthias got a flat. Although he finished the race he wasnt sure what he placed. Sea Otter Classic has apparently really screwed up the race results and everyones complaining. They either put racer results in the wrong catagory or just didnt put then on any catagory. Thats gotta suck for those who did well.

Sunday came around and me, jason and rosalind were scheduled to race. Jason took off at 8:00a.m, he placed 66 out of 72 racers(sport catagory), not bad. Rosalind hmmm..... I dont remember what she placed. Rosalind raced beginners since this was only her second race. I didnt place anything becaus......

Unfortunatly, Julie my teammate and I got into an accident at the beginning of the race. This year the first 1/4 or 1/2 mile of the race started on the pavement. We just left and made the first left turn, then up a little hill, wow!!! we've already lost about 1/2 of the group. Were in the front of the pack, sweet!!!! I dont want to go into details but on the descent of the hill I got sandwiched in between to riders, one being my teammate and down we both went. It was horrible. I hit the pavement on my ass and slid down finally landing on my left side. I immediately turned around and BAM!!! went Julies face on the pavement. She was out for a second. All of a sudden I see her trying to lift her face off the pavement. I looked in horror as she peels her lips off the pavement. It was so disturbing the only thing I could think to do is to tell her to stay still. I couldnt get up! What, I've been in my fair share of accident and have always gotten up, bloody and all. I knew I had to be hurt pretty bad. I just remember telling Julie to stay still, I knew the girls we dropped would be coming any second and I was right. Thank God for Tracy who rides for Specialized. She stopped to help and junked the race. She's an EMT so he was just the person we needed. The only thing I could remember after that was to try and get Julie some help. Not much time later, I see Rosalind's group riding by. I dont think she realized how her face looked. She looked shocked to see two Velo Bellas down but she had to keep riding. We'll Julie was sent off in the ambulance. At the time I thought I was feelinging fine but just moments later at the VeloBella tenant I started to feel the pain. Paramedics came by and drove me, Nikki(my duaghter) and Casey (our pooch) to our car so Nikki could take me to the hospital. We'll we got to the hospital but there was a 4 hour wait. I could do it so we drove home, I took some Advil and Tylenol and tried to sleep. It was so hard knowing that Julie was in the hospital and I didnt know what her status was. I went to my family practice dr. and had some x-rays done. He think I may have either broke or buised my tailbone. I'll have to wait and see.
More tomorrow.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Downieville 2005

A day in the Sun

I dont have any pictures from our last ride out at laguna seca/Fort Ord but you can see them at blog.psychosquirrelsoncrack.com
The sun is finally out but not for long. These few sunny days that we have just remind me of Downieville. I cant wait for our July camp trip.