Thursday, April 13, 2006

Sea Otter Pics

I promised you some pictures of the Sea Otter Classic at Laguna Seca and here you go:

This first picture is of me and some other teammates warming up before we head our for the cross country race. That's Rosalind, my 24 hour partner to the right of me.

Above us is the canopy for our Sponor,Kona.

I love this next picture of our dog, Casey. She looks like a true Bella. I can't tell you how many people took her picture. She's a true model, at least that's what I think.

This next picture is of my friends Matthias (Rosalinds husband) and Ali who apparently did well on their road race. Matthias wasnt so lucky, he got a flat and fell back. Apparently even though he finished the race they didnt even have his name on the results.

I'm hearing through several email groups that who ever did the results for the SEa Otter Classic really screwed things up. Some racers arent even in the results or in the wrong catagory ie. raced cross country but showing up on the road race results. Even though I didnt finish the race, I did start and my name didnt appear as DNF (Did Not Finish) either. Yeah, sounds like a mess.

Here's my friend Jason, not exactly sure how he did but he races cross country/sport. His wife Deanna was great support for us. I think she'd make a perfect Velo Bella.

This last one is a picture of my friend Jen who looks very concerned about me, while they take me away.

We'll that's about all the decent picture I have for now. Until next time,



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